As some of you already noticed, there was an issue with the 1.2 release - it did not come with vim pre-installed because of a missing dependency. So, to (somewhat) rectify it, I just published 1.2.1 install media. They use the same packages (with the same missing dependency issue), but a freshly installed system will have vim pre-installed. If you already have 1.2 installed, you can download the p5p (both 1.2.1 and 1.2 will work) and run: # pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g file:///path/to/unleashed-1.2.1.p5p unleashed # pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g file:///path/to/unleashed-1.2.1.p5p userland # pkg install vim vim-core Sorry for the inconvenience, Jeff.