This is the third release of Unleashed - an operating system fork of illumos. For more information about Unleashed itself and the download links, see our website [1]. This release is relatively light on changes. The major changes since 1.1 are (1) `uname -p` and `uname -m` now return "amd64", and (2) the removal of Solaris auditing support (bsm). As part of the uname changes, we defined the GNU triplet for Unleashed as "`uname -m`-unknown-unleashed`uname -r`" (e.g., amd64-unknown-unleashed1.2). As before, you can install the system from scratch using the ISO or USB images, or update using pkg(1). To update an existing system, download the p5p and run: # pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g file:///path/to/unleashed-1.2.p5p unleashed # pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g file:///path/to/unleashed-1.2.p5p userland # pkg update # reboot You will also want to rebuild any additional software you may have built. With all this said, give the release a try. If you find any issues or want to contribute, let us know on IRC (#unleashed on Freenode) or the mailing list. Happy hacking! Jeff. [1] --- A '-' means that the support for that feature was removed, a '+' means that the support for that feature was added, and a '*' means that the behavior was changed. - libfruraw, libnvfru, libfru, libfrureg, libfruutils - libpicl, libpicltree, picld(8), etc. - pyzfs & pysolaris - locator(8) - auditing support and libbsm + ship ctfconvert & ctfmerge in /usr/bin * uname(1) returns "amd64" for -m and -p * sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE) returns "amd64" (or "i386" when UNAME_LEGACY is in the environment) * rename vnode interface's AT_* to VATTR_* * libressl updated to 2.8.2 * openssh updated to 7.9p1 * ntp updated to 4.2.8p12 * vim updated to 8.1.0578 * hwdata updated to 2018.11.29 * tzdata updated to 2018g